Acute pain
management in the PACU: IV medications
An 87yo woman s/p hysterectomy under general anesthesia complains of 10
out of 10 pain. She had an epidural placed preoperatively, but it doesn't
seem to be working at all. She has a history of mild dementia, hypertension,
and CAD s/p revascularization 8 years ago.
- What is your pain plan?
- What are the advantages of
using opiates vs. nonopiates in this patient? Vice versa?
References: (note, all residents should have access to Anesthesiology
articles online if they receive the journal. Many other journals are
available with a USF account through MD Consult...just access it from the
departmental home page)
- White
P. The role of non-opioid analgesic technique in the management of
pani after ambulatory surgery. Anesth Analg 2002;94:577-85
Last updated 6/9/03
by Roy G. Soto, M.D.
2003, Roy G. Soto, M.D., and the University of South Florida College of Medicine,
Department of Anesthesiology