You receive a call from the PACU about a 55 yo patient s/p Whipple procedure.
Seems that his urine output over the past 2 hours is zero, and they're
just now getting around to calling you.
- What is your differential
- How are you going to figure
out what's wrong?
- How are you going to treat
him for each possible diagnosis?
References: (note, all residents should have access to Anesthesiology
articles online if they receive the journal. Many other journals are
available with a USF account through MD Consult...just access it from the
departmental home page)
- Wilson W, Aronson S. Oliguria,
a sign of renal success or impending renal failure?
Anesthesiology Clinics of North America 2001;19
Last updated 5/27/03
by Roy G. Soto, M.D.
2003, Roy G. Soto, M.D., and the University of South Florida College of Medicine,
Department of Anesthesiology