A 68yo s/p craniotomy is slow to wake and is found to have pinpoint pupils.
He was receiving an infusion of fentanyl throughout the 10 hour case.
He is not yet breathing.
- Are you going to reverse
his narcosis with naloxone? What would be an appropriate dose?
- What are you other options,
and what are their benefits over naloxone reversal?
- What are the unique adverse
effects of naloxone use?
- What is naltrexone?
References: (note, all residents should have access to Anesthesiology
articles online if they receive the journal. Many other journals are
available with a USF account through MD Consult...just access it from the
departmental home page)
- Web resource
for naloxone, flumazenil, and dantrolene
Last updated 6/9/03
by Roy G. Soto, M.D.
2003, Roy G. Soto, M.D., and the University of South Florida College of Medicine,
Department of Anesthesiology